In Just 3 Days Your Business Will Transform...
Into A Highly Profitable, Money-Manifesting, Time-Abundant MACHINE…

Normally $997

Join Now (Today Only) for $97 
(AND… You receive $100 Back At Event!)
Here's Your Promo Code: SSATTUNEMENT.
Be sure to use it in the promo box at checkout
NOTE: This may be the most important letter
and opportunity you have ever received...
Dear Business-From-The-Heart Owner,

I would like to invite you to an event that will transform you and your business in 3 days.

Why can I make this promise?

Because this is not your usual gathering… 
Your 3 Days of Healing Into 
Success & Abundance
Business Profit Success Attunement Event
Los Angeles, California Oct 20 - 22
This 3-day, healing-into-success event is designed to move you from the inside so the outside reflects your refined, clearer, energetically congruent interior mindset for success.

For 3 days of transformation into financial freedom and success, Mary A. Hall “the Queen of Abundance” and internationally renowned healer and success coach, me, Jennifer McLean will hold you in a quantum matrix of metamorphosis.

Together, with you, we will overhaul your way of viewing your life and world.

The guidance, healing attunements, mindset installations, abundance activations and success repatterning you will experience will enable you to run your business from a platform of thriving (instead of survival).

So, let’s start here... let me ask you: 

Did you make major progress financially this year or was it almost a repeat of previous years?

Is your business better or worse off than you were last year or even five years ago?

Has your net worth grown or shrunk - or are you saying “what net worth?”

Do you have more or less free time for yourself or to spend with your family and friends?

Would you like to have more money for a better life, for saving and investing, or perhaps becoming debt free?

Now, for some of you, things may be going along well enough… yet you might be looking to leverage your business into something much more.

For many of you, it might be super challenging and “hard” right now...

So, if you’re ready to move into a new potentiality, one you’ve had glimpses of but never knew how to get there…

If you want to make THE difference in a MUCH bigger way for you, your customers and even the planet…
Here is what we have planned for you...
Our intention is to focus on what’s been holding you back, on your beliefs, on your mind set, and the old patterns that are ready to be transmuted.

So if you think you can handle:
  • Opening your channels for money right now
  • Tapping into and standing in YOUR greatness, YOUR gifts your unique and powerful potential
  • Confidently moving into the exact, right next step for your business 
  • Accelerating into a quantum success mentality so you're exuding and attracting instant results
Then register RIGHT NOW and join us in-person in Los Angeles (fly into LAX) for 3 days of life-changing FUN and transformation.

Normally $997

Join Now (Today Only) for $97 
(AND… You receive $100 Back At Event!)
Here's Your Promo Code: SSATTUNEMENT.
Be sure to use it in the promo box at checkout
Here’s the good and bad: Your business is created, managed and moved by YOU...
You, are a beautiful, perfectly imperfect human being.

You bring to your business all your beliefs, foibles, patterns and even traumas.

This can be a boon or an obstacle to your business.

Now, I discovered something unusual through decades of coaching thousands of multimillionaire entrepreneurs, business owners, authors and healers.
In fact, through this amazing observation, I discovered the secret to huge business profits…
It became clear to me with my own success and as I reflected back on what I’ve seen as the mechanism to turn around most companies…

The unidentified, internal hurts, old upsets and unresolved patterns
are what stop us.

This “unfinished business,” the internal chatter, fear, worry and upset, is the cause of business constriction.
“The #1 chokehold on any business today is the psychology of the owner.”

~ Tony Robbins
Yep, the number one thing that holds back entrepreneurs and business owners is our own stuff—our beliefs, our unanswered issues, our methods of coping, the old traumas in our lives.

We create boulders in the flow of our profits through our fears, our doubts, our unhealed problems.

Sometimes the events from our past and the crazy conclusions we made about ourselves (in order to survive) through those upsetting events...

...are now the very things that hold us back.
Here is how we get in our own way:
  • Looking for the answers OUTSIDE OF US
  • Not having the “space” and time to think, to create, to experiment
  • Putting too much pressure on our dreams or, as I often say, “having our dreams pay the mortgage”
  • Afraid of investing too much money—or any money for that matter
  • Not confident enough to receive support... and go to trainings, hire coaches, hire employees, vendors and/or partners
  • Hiring, but not giving up any “control,” preventing those we hire from really being successful
  • Resenting those who are successful

And all of these things that “get in our way...”

Normally $997

Join Now (Today Only) for $97 
(AND… You receive $100 Back At Event!) 
Here's Your Promo Code: SSATTUNEMENT.
Be sure to use it in the promo box at checkout
What if it's just... Unhealed Crap?
That made me laugh just now; “unhealed crap” is a little direct…

But that’s often what holds back the most gifted, amazing business owners (aka YOU, me, and all).

So, when we avoid the internal hurt…

When we shut down the inner, uncomfortable dialog that seeps into our daily thoughts…

When we don’t allow these inner aspects of us to be heard, to share and have a say...

We are actually shutting off the faucet of profit and success.

This is what Mary and I will address... allowing for the parts of us that are shouting to get our attention to actually be expressed

Mary and I want to shine the light on how often we as entrepreneurs undermine and self-sabotage.

I want to stand up FOR those parts of you, so you receive the healing and transformation that is being sought.

This is the path to moving the needle on the speed and volume of success.
I don’t make this claim often, but I think this IS the silver bullet that, time and time again, has created a quickening in businesses…

...and over and over creates just plain, old-fashioned happiness.
Here's The Rub 

You can't find this outside of you. 

The change you seek is inside of you. 

It is this healing process that opens the channels to possibility, flow, success and ultimately freedom.
Mary and I have been feeling like we have a unique opportunity to leverage the huge influx of energy and possibility available on the planet right now.

We want to step up and support you, our entrepreneurial and business owner community.
Through the vortexes of change that are happening all around us, I have personally experienced dramatic shifts in my perceptions.

I have refined my view of the world, seeing solid solutions to improve my health and state of mind.

I have changed so much; not only because of these new energies on the planet, but because I have used them in conjunction with the support and guidance of my personal healers and coaches to accelerate this process.

I’ve moved light-years from “hard” into ease.

Now I love more.

I have more peace.

My business is expanding and changing in ways I never imagined possible...

AND all of this is happening REALLY FAST.

What I have discovered is: the best way to leverage this new, vibrational support is to use it.
What that looks like is opening to and receiving support from coaches and healers and events like this one.

And, when this healing and supportive energy is leveraged (as in working with a coach or healer, or attending a workshop), it serves to create WAY more space, more abundance, MORE FREEDOM.

Normally $997

Join Now (Today Only) for $97 
(AND… You receive $100 Back At Event!) 
Here's Your Promo Code: SSATTUNEMENT.
Be sure to use it in the promo box at checkout
Mary and I want to support you and your business in a new way….
Through this Business Profit Success Signature Attunement Event, you’re going to experience a profound transformation into life and light and flow.

And a big surge into huge success and profit.

We are going to join with you to heal you into your success.

That includes powerful, never-before-offered Success & Abundance 
You will receive refined attunements—similar to Reiki, but signatured for success and abundance.

These quantum success and abundance attunements will be installed into your energy field during the event to deliver a deep-in-the-bones, soul-enhancing platform of Success and Money Energy.

Mary and I are going to install these attunements as permanent vibrational “keys” that will now be a foundation of healing and freedom you can stand upon for your business success.

We, together with you, will go so deep and so long into personal healing that you will be a whole new person when we are done.
Your Success Signature... Your Soul’s Purpose
These Success and Abundance Attunements are designed to work EXACTLY for what you are up to—to support YOUR unique attributes and the impact you are creating in the world.

These attunements will be inculcated at the deepest levels, offering permanent support for all your efforts.

As we tapped in, I sensed that this is the miracle you have been seeking; it is here for you and your business to right now make that quantum leap into success.

Imagine, Monday after the event, having this unstoppable feeling of deep knowing.

...An abiding sensation that there is space and freedom in your being.

...A conscious awareness that there is a quick step in your capacity to be productive, doing the “right” things.

...A knowing of what the next step is.

...A sense of wisdom bubbling up for what you are here to do and the mark you are making on this planet.

Those are just some of the things you can expect to experience from these Attunements.
You’ll not only be spending 3 days of healing with Mary and me, you’ll also be with a like-minded audience of heart-centered business owners, entrepreneurs, authors, and healers.

You will create lifelong friends and likely find new partners, vendors and colleagues.
You’ll be able to hang with the participants as we all change.

AND, these new friends and colleagues will be a new support network, encouraging and advocating for you and each other at this high level of vibration and clarity after the event.

Imagine working with colleagues and partners who are playing full-out at this level of expansion, healing and transformation?

...THEN, having Mary and me fully supporting you in shifting your foundation... installing these new keys and attunements of Success & Abundance, fueling your creation energy.
This entire 3-day event is tailored to YOUR HEALING.

Yep, for the entire program, we will play with:
Releasing Past Trauma That Might Still Be Impacting Your Life And Business
If there is trauma in your field that has not yielded to anything else, these 3 days will take you to a new space of peace, balance and calm.

When you move into your life’s purpose and business from the pattern of old responses and beliefs, your businesses reflect these limiting blueprints of being.

During these 3 days, Mary and I will continuously release, dissolve, appreciate, love and melt the patterns which are holding you hostage to the old.

The weight of the past is lifted and freedom is yours.
Transmutation Of Lack And Limitation
There are specific energetic signatures for lack and limitation.

During these 3 days, we will directly address these specific frequencies and allow them to diffuse into pure love, accomplishment, and confidence.

Next time you feel a sensation of lack or limitation arising, you will have an energetic tool to play with and transmute it instantly.
Energy And Health
Our physical capacities and vital energy (or lack thereof) impact our ability to run a successful, supportive and powerful business.

Here, we will address any physical upset and dis-ease in the body.

We will attune to clarity of thought, precision of purpose, and capacity to energetically run a thriving enterprise.

Imagine having sustainable strength and endurance to accomplish all that you came here to create.
Relationships and Partnerships
Relationships with significant others, family, even vendors, colleagues and employees will be explored in-depth and moved into peace and possibility.

Forgiveness, compassion, and love frequencies will be installed allowing for herculean patience and a deep inner capacity to resolve conflict without fear.

Get ready to move through what previously felt like irresolvable differences.
AND Whatever YOU Bring To The Event That You Want To Work On!
Because YOU are coming to this event, you can bring whatever you need support for and we will play with you during this event.

The whole program is for you, so come with what you want to transform and together, in community, we will move 
Join Us...

Normally $997

Join Now (Today Only) for $97 
(AND… You receive $100 Back At Event!) 
Here's Your Promo Code: SSATTUNEMENT.
Be sure to use it in the promo box at checkout
The constant opportunity AND challenge for the entrepreneur is to take risks... 
And we will be transmuting all those blocks to perceived safety to open you to KNOW what is the next right decision.
You will have the chance to move through anything that is blocking your happiness.
You will feel the powerful shift into being confident in your decisions, your next steps, who to partner with, timing, etc.
Imagine moving into a state of vibrant health. Yep, real, radiant health... phew!
Wealth, cash flow, whatever your business needs around money, we will be directly addressing.
Partnerships, business ventures, employee relations, vendor relations... we will be igniting a new level of trust and safety for knowing with confidence how to manage these.
You will experience a healing to open you to that deep sense of knowing when to act and when to hold.

Normally $997

Join Now (Today Only) for $97 
(AND… You receive $100 Back At Event!) 
Here's Your Promo Code: SSATTUNEMENT.
Be sure to use it in the promo box at checkout
Thursday, October 20 through Saturday, October 22, 2016
We will send you a schedule once you register
Hotel near Los Angeles International Airport. Hotel details will be sent once you register.
Casual. But the conference room may get chilly, so bring layers.
The benefit of this event is immeasurable... but in today’s market would be about $5,000 retail value. See your investment below...
This product is simply a must-have as part of your abundance journey.

As we tapped in, we realized that if you were able to not only experience some of the Abundance Energy that is Mary’s gift during the Success Attunement event...

But also have a tool that you could use AFTER the event...

It would be like having a little piece of Mary with you at all times and you would be in consent vibrational resonance with abundance.

Mary actually created this remarkable SILENT energy experience on my request...

After receiving thousands of emails from folks sharing their financial challenges, I turned to Mary and asked her if she had a way to use the powerful energies she had practiced on me to share with you...

And she created this product.

This is the grounding frequency, the starting point for all abundance.

It creates the signature of “ALL IS POSSIBLE” in your field, allowing you to find a footing to then move into more advanced abundance signatures.

I have been hearing the wonderful responses to this gorgeous silence over the last several years.

Without exception, all those who have used this special silent audio have been BLOWN AWAY by the subtle delicacy of this intricate vibrational frequency.

Just by “listening,” really, experiencing this silent energy, many were brought into greater ease and flow in all of life’s experiences and challenges – creating a smoother resolve as they opened up to ‘all is possible’.

Many who experienced it for the first time have burst into instant tears as they felt their hearts instantly open (safely and thoughtfully) to the new vibrations of flow, love and possibility.

This juicy and velvety energy puts you into your own flow and can dissolve any previous conditions of lack.

Imagine sitting at your desk as you tackle a large assignment or need to create something new… in the background, silently supporting you, is Mary and her Golden Silence – All Is Possible energy, nudging you to create at the highest level of vibration.

You can now play this GOLDEN SILENCE audio anywhere at any time without anyone knowing that you are raising your vibration and improving your abundance.

ALSO, it is available to anyone else in the room who is open to this resonance.

If someone you live or work with is open, from an intention of abundance perspective, they WILL receive the benefit.

If they aren't open, it will simply be like a cool breeze of upliftment for them, and no more.

This is YOURS when you register TODAY!
Mary A. Halls profound healing audio products...

In this audio set, you will receive two variations - a long version and a short version of audios that will get you started in the morning and help you to finish your day.

You can listen to the morning 8 minutes or 10 minutes upon arising and, in the evening, 9 minutes or 14 minutes before you fall asleep.

Most people fill their thoughts with fear, worry and doubt… dread of the day in particular as they begin and end their days.

These audios are designed to anchor in a new set of possibilities in the realms of Love, Wholeness and new Possibilities coming into your awareness.

Anchor your day right at the start with these high vibrating energies - again embraced by Mary as she holds you in your light.

And then, in the evening, release the day and be guided through, noticing the good things that you experienced that day, letting go of anything that upset you.

You are now preparing for a remarkable night’s sleep (the best you have ever had we promise), and prepared for a tomorrow that is going to be a grand and brand new day of possibility.

One of the most important exercises in abundance you can undertake… JUST THESE AUDIOS will change your entire abundance frequency.

AND you are embraced with Mary’s rare and magnificent energies, shining an energetic light on YOUR light, which you will feel throughout your days and nights.

This is an important part of the healing you will receive at the event... so we had to offer this to you as well.
Journey through the realms of healing, success, and business…

…And experience a resounding taste of the profound transformation and enriching opportunities that await you at our in-person Success Attunement Event.

Allow the energy healing, attunement, installation and Spontaneous Transformation to trigger HUGE money openings for your life and business.

Lifetimes of upset will dissolve, struggle will transform into opportunity and the buoyancy of “YES” energy will set you on the path to success for all areas of your life.
This time, right now, is your portal to
expansion and transformation.
There has NEVER been an opening like this one. This event is your golden opportunity to align every aspect of your life in support of your dreams, hopes, desires and ambitions.

If you’re ready to transmute and transmogrify the limiting beliefs and false perceptions that have kept you in a state of “want” and “lack,” all you need to do is say “Yes!”
You receive 3 constant days of healing and transformation for just...

Normally $997

[$97 Today with Promo Code]
Here's Your Promo Code: SSATTUNEMENT.
Be sure to use it in the promo box at checkout.
AND, please also note: you will receive your $97 at the event...
but you have to come to the event to collect it...
In fact, we’ll hand you a fresh, crisp $100 bill in-person
(so you’ve made your first profit. SEE, it’s already starting!)

Share this page with your business friends and colleagues. Share the Promo Code you received and watch them flourish along with you. Watch your email once you register for how you can win a Mac Air as a thank you for all the business friends and colleagues you bring with you.
Your Healing Coach Jennifer McLean
For 25 years, Jennifer McLean has served as a spiritual catalyst and healing facilitator, guiding thousands to transmute their deepest fears, blocks, and old beliefs into new levels of alignment, growth, health, wholeness and abundance.

An energetic healer trained in various modalities, she combines her intuitive gifts of emotional and spiritual discernment with the knowledge and wisdom of life's varying experiences to lovingly identify and compassionately release the stories and events that have kept you from living a magnificent life.

Two of her favorite methods for facilitating your healing are her acclaimed Spontaneous Transformation Technique, an innovative, proven technique that helps you shift withheld energy in the body to successfully liberate yourself from various ailments and heartaches. And, her expansive repertoire of sound vibration Soul Songs contain unique tonal sound vibrations that initiate and promote profound, multi-layered healing.

In addition to her extensive background in healing therapy, she has an equally extensive corporate background that ranges from advertising sales to promotional event marketing, traditional marketing management, public relations and brand communications -- culminating a 27-year business strategy career in Corporate America.

In 1995, she launched Yahoo! Canada and played in the technology industry during the full boom and bust, becoming a business strategist with specialization in marketing for startups.

After creating hundreds of multi-millionaires through her own unique Credibility Branding System, she left corporate America in 2008 and integrated her digital and traditional marketing savvy and passion for healing into the launch of her own company, McLean MasterWorks.

McLean Masterworks has become a multimillion-dollar organization in the human potential movement that produces renowned sub-brands, Healing With The Masters, Living Your Success Signature, and industry-leading membership site MasterWorks Healing.

Blending her worlds of healing and business have allowed entrepreneurs like you to accelerate your success by tapping deep into your unique human potential and what was meant for you, creating unstoppable congruency and abundance. Most business coaching programs lack these important healing and energy elements, which make Success Signature customers so successful so fast.

Jennifer's unique combination of sound business practices and comprehensive energy healing is the secret ingredient for helping you access your Success Signature and ignite your grandest capacities.

It's your turn to build a proven, successfully unstoppable, heart-centered business that you LOVE -- and that leaves a lasting mark on the planet.
Mary is Jennifer's Secret Weapon
For ABUNDANCE (and now yours, too).
Mary A. Hall is a renowned Healer, Coach, Author and Speaker. Her system for guiding others to connect to their Heart and Divine Essence has launched her into becoming one of the most celebrated and profound Healers in the industry.

At the heart of Mary’s work is her ability to see you for who you really are – a Divine Being of Love and Light participating in a magnificent human experience.

Mary has many tools at hand to coach you energetically, cognitively and physically into the open flow of life, where well-being and abundance abound.

As an E.F.T. master and Abundant Life Coach, she can guide you to clear, release and create new energetic imprints that allow you to resonate with, move into, and live from a new place.
This new energetic signature becomes a higher resonating attribute within you, enabling you to open up to a life of abundance and ease.
She has a remarkable ability to quickly hone in on subtle energies and core issues, allowing her to gently and precisely guide you to release blocks, thereby helping you create a freer, more joyful life while progressing toward your desired goals.

She has done all of this for Jennifer and her business time and time again.
PLUS... The Success Attunement Marketplace… MORE HEALING
We have invited a group of powerful healers and practitioners and purveyors of healing products to support you through the 3 days of The Success Attunement Event.

From shifts in perception, receiving Mary’s and my teachings, processes and attunements, you may find that you want additional support.

In between breaks, at lunch, and before and after our days of healing together, you can seek further support at our Success Attunement Marketplace.

This is your chance to treat yourself as you unravel what’s been holding you back, through one-on-one personal support from our marketplace partners.

Our time together will open you to new states of potential and possibility for your success.

AND... Many of our partners have put together special offers that aren’t available anywhere else.
I hope by now you are seeing the value of this once-in-a-lifetime moment to move the internal dialogue, the seeming blocks, the frustrating self sabotaging behavior...

Now is your time to FLY in your life and business!
Join Now (Today Only) for $97 
(AND… You receive $100 Back At Event!) 
Here's Your Promo Code: SSATTUNEMENT.
Be sure to use it in the promo box at checkout
To Your Success,
Jennifer McLean
Healer, Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker
CEO, McLean MasterWorks
Host, Healing With The Masters
P.S. We Give Back…
As a part of our business model, we make contributions to our non-profit: The Abbie Buktaw Memorial Foundation.

We donate to philanthropic organizations like Cynthia Kersey’s Unstoppable Foundation.
For the Unstoppable Foundation, we have raised almost $200,000, resulting in the creation of drinkable water, health clinics and FIVE SCHOOLS in an impoverished region of Africa with the lowest rate of education on the planet.

We know that, by opening ourselves to success, we have not only been able to profoundly move our customers, but we get to see less fortunate individuals impacted through our philanthropy.

Each time we read what our contributions have created in the Unstoppable Foundation Impact Report, we are filled to the brim and moved to the depths.

We also donate to the arts through the Dizzy Feet Foundation and local arts programs.
We are also working on creating educational scholarship programs to support alternative educational programs.

So, your YES to YOU doesn’t stop at you.
It allows beautiful programs like our foundation to provide support, healing and education to those in need.

YOU are fulfilling our mission of creating peace on this planet simply by being part of this community and participating in our programs... SO, THANK YOU.

Normally $997

[$97 Today with Promo Code]
Here's Your Promo Code: SSATTUNEMENT.
Be sure to use it in the promo box at checkout.
AND, please also note: you will receive your $97 at the event...
but you have to come to the event to collect it...
In fact, we’ll hand you a fresh, crisp $100 bill in-person
(so you’ve made your first profit. SEE, it’s already starting!)

Share this page with your business friends and colleagues. Share the Promo Code you received and watch them flourish along with you. Watch your email once you register for how you can win a Mac Air as a thank you for all the business friends and colleagues you bring with you.
Earnings Disclaimer
We don't believe in get rich quick programs - only in hard work, adding value and serving others. Our programs are intended to help you share your message with a wider audience and to make a difference in the world while growing your business. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We just want to help by giving great content, directions and strategies that move you forward. Nothing on this page or any of our websites is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are simply estimates or projections, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potentials earnings - all numbers are illustrative only. Anyway, all of our terms, privacy policies and disclaimers for this program and website can be accessed via the link below. It's all the regular legal mumbo jumbo, but we feel transparency is important and we hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity. Thanks for stopping by. Until next time, live fully, love openly and make a difference today.

Copyright © 2016 McLean MasterWorks. All Rights Reserved.